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Current Maintainers

Srinath Avadhanula -- author of winmanager.vim and few other scripts for VIM.

Mikolaj Machowski -- ``author'' of LaTeXhelp for VIM (which is bundled with vim-latexSuite).

Benji Fisher -- author of matchit.vim and maintainer of the standard tex ftplugin for vim.

To contact the maintainers for bug reports/feature requests/contributions, go here.


LaTeX-Suite has been possible because of the contributions of many people. Among them:

Lubomir Host -- provided the diacritics and also helped in development.
Alexander Wagner -- valuable suggestions during development.
Luc Hermitte -- his variation of Stephen Riehm's bracketing system is used in latex-suite.
Gergely Kontra -- the clever little JumpFunc() in imaps.vim is due to him.
The implementation of the templates also borrows from mu-template.vim by him.
Dimitri Antoniou -- author of ltags and also provided the nice tip about forward / reverse search on DVI documents.
Stephen Riehm -- the extremely helpful bracketing system is from him.
Alan Schmitt -- provided some macros/folding elements.
Hari Krishna Dara -- for ExecMap(), the clever little function which makes typing visual mode mappings so much easier and error-free.
Alan G Isac -- for the comprehensive BibT() function for entering bibtex entries.
Gontran Baerts -- for libList.vim
Peter Heslin -- useful discussion and also quite a few bug fixes. Also the %%fakesection in folding.vim.
©Vim-latexSuite Team 2002