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ContactContact the vim-latex-devel teamvim-latex-devel[AT] is a list meant for discussing bugs/feature requests and other things pertaining to latex-suite. It is not meant to be a developers only list as the name might imply. You can only e-mail vim-latex-devel directly if you are subscribed to it. If you wish to subscribe, go to the listinfo page. Useful bug reports include a minimal examplePlease include always files with minimal content that allow to reproduce a bug you want to report. This often helps to directly find the cause of the bug and makes it easier for developers to investigate the issue. The features of vim-latex and latex are way to much, that you can expect the developers to be familiar with each of it, and every time spent on creating a similiar document to the one you have, to reproduce the problem, is time wasted on fixing the bug instead. You can find more information about minimum examples on the UK List of TeX Frequently Asked Questions and the minimal working example howto. Check the latest version firstAlso try to reproduce bugs with the latest version of vim-latex in the source code management system, before reporting them. |
©Vim-latexSuite Team 2002 |