10.1 Latex-Suite Maps

10.1.1 IMAP mappings
10.1.2 Alt-Key mappings

Most of the mappings used in Latex-Suite can be mapped to a different key combination to suit your particular needs. An example best explains the procedure for doing this. Suppose you want to remap the <C-j> key which Latex-Suite (actually imaps.vim) uses to jump to the next placeholder. To do this, you first need to find out which <Plug> mapping <C-j> is derived from. You will need to look at the relevant section of this manual to do this. For example, the section IMAP mappings has the information that the <C-j> key is derived from <Plug>IMAP_JumpForward. Therefore to remap the <C-j> key to say <C-space>, you will need to put a statement like the following in your ~/.vimrc.

imap <C-space> <Plug>IMAP_JumpForward


To change the IMAP mappings which affect jumping between placeholders, the map statement above has to be placed in your ~/.vimrc. For other mappings you can place the map statement in your $VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim file. The reason for this is that the <C-j> maps are created in plugin/imaps.vim, which is sourced as soon as Vim starts before sourcing any ftplugin files.

10.1.1 IMAP mappings

These mappings are utilized for jumping between placeholders as described here. See the parent section to find out how to use this information to change the default maps.

Plug mapDefault Key

<Plug>IMAP_JumpForward takes you to the location of the next place-holder.

<Plug>IMAP_JumpBack takes you to the previous place-holder.

<Plug>IMAP_DeleteAndJumpForward deletes the presently selected place-holder and jumps to the next place-holder irrespective of whether the present placeholder is empty or not and ignoring the value of place-holder settings like g:Imap_DeleteEmptyPlaceHolders and g:Imap_StickyPlaceHolders

<Plug>IMAP_DeleteAndJumpBack deletes the presently selected place-holder and jumps to the previous place-holder irrespective of whether the present placeholder is empty or not and ignoring the value of place-holder settings like g:Imap_DeleteEmptyPlaceHolders and g:Imap_StickyPlaceHolders

10.1.2 Alt-Key mappings

These mappings are are described in the section Alt key macros. See the parent section to see how to use the following information to remap keys.

Plug MappingDefault Key