11.9 Folding Customization

11.9.1 g:Tex_Folding
11.9.2 g:Tex_AutoFolding

The following settings control the folding functionality of Latex-Suite, see also Customizing what to fold.

11.9.1 g:Tex_Folding

Default Value1

Setting this to zero completely disables Latex-Suite's folding functionality. However, the TexFoldTextFunction() is still available in case you want to use another folding scheme but still want to continue using the fold text function.

11.9.2 g:Tex_AutoFolding

Default Value1

This setting controls whether Latex-Suite automatically creates manual folds for a file when it is opened. You can still use the \rf mapping to refresh/create folds even when this variable is set to zero.