11.6 Compiler Customization

11.6.1 g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat
11.6.2 g:Tex_CompileRule_<format>
11.6.3 g:Tex_FormatDependency_<format>
11.6.4 g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats
11.6.5 g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings
11.6.6 g:Tex_IgnoreLevel
11.6.7 g:Tex_UseMakefile
11.6.8 g:Tex_GotoError

The following settings affect Latex-Suite's compilation functionality

11.6.1 g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat

Default Valuedvi for windows/*nix and pdf for mac

Use this setting to choose the default target format. For example, setting this to pdf makes Latex-Suite compile a pdf file when you press \ll and fire up the pdf viewer on pressing \lv. Make sure that a rules for compiling and viewing have been defined for this target format as described here and here.

11.6.2 g:Tex_CompileRule_<format>

Here <format> refers to the target format for which this rule is defined. Latex-Suite supports compiling into dvi, ps and pdf by default. All these rules are strings defined by default as follows:

g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi'latex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'
g:Tex_CompileRule_ps'ps2pdf $*'
g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'

If you desire forward and inverse searching via Latex-Suite, you will need to change g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi to include -src-specials. However, this has been known to cause problems with the output file. Therefore, use this with care.

11.6.3 g:Tex_FormatDependency_<format>

Default Value''

By default, there are no format dependencies defined. Each definition is of the form above where <format> is a string such as 'dvi' etc.

The value of each string is a comma separated string such as 'dvi,ps'. See the Compiler dependency section to see how to use/specify this setting

11.6.4 g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats

Default Value'dvi'

This is a comma separated string of formats for which the compiler needs to be called multiple times in order to get cross-references, citations etc right. See the Compiling multiple times section for details.

11.6.5 g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings

Default Valuea new-line separated list of patterns as described below

The default value of this setting is

\"specifier changed to\n".
\"You have requested\n".
\"Missing number, treated as zero.\n".
\"There were undefined references\n"
\"Citation %.%# undefined"

This setting defines a set of patterns which will be filtered out when displaying the output from the latex compiler. This is to aid in filtering out very common warnings/errors.


Remember to check the value of g:Tex_IgnoreLevel when you change this setting. For example, if you append a new pattern which you would like to ignore by default, increase the value of g:Tex_IgnoreLevel.

11.6.6 g:Tex_IgnoreLevel

Default Value7

This setting defines a "filter level" or an "ignore level". A value of 7 for instance means that any warning/error matching with any of the first 7 fields of g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings will be ignored. Setting this value to zero will mean that no error/warning is ignored. However, even with a value of zero, Latex-Suite will filter out most of the text which a LaTeX compiler typically produces. Use

TCLevel strict

from within Vim in order to see all the lines from the compiler's output.

11.6.7 g:Tex_UseMakefile

Default Value1

When set to 1, then if a makefile or Makefile is present in the current directory, then Latex-Suite sets the makeprg option to just "make <target>", where <target> is the target format chosen using the TCTarget or TTarget commands.

When set to 0, then Latex-Suite will set the makeprg setting to whatever is defined by the g:Tex_CompileRule_target setting.

11.6.8 g:Tex_GotoError

Default Value1

If set to 1, then pressing \ll will take you to the location of the first warning/error, otherwise you will remain in the original location but the errors/warnings will be listed in the preview window.